Cannonball Read III: Book #16/52
Published: 1991
Pages: 608 (6,207 total so far)
Genre: Fantasy/Adventure
This is the third book in the Dark Tower series and I'm definitely glad I kept reading after being not so impressed with The Gunslinger. I loved the second book and this one was good as well. I did find it a bit slow at times, but it really picks up during the last third and keeps going until the cliffhanger ending.
***I'm going to try and keep out any major spoilers, but if you haven't read the first two books in the series, there could possibly be spoilers ahead***
The Waste Lands follows Roland and his companions as they cross the country following "the beam" to the Dark Tower. I think if Tolkien was on LSD, this is how he would have written Lord of the Rings. Seriously, this book is insane, but in a good way. For instance, we begin with a giant parasite-infested cyborg bear who has a satellite dish on his head and we end with a cranky, talking monorail. Very, very strange stuff.
I'm a little confused as to why it's called The Waste Lands when they don't actually get to the waste lands until almost the very end. But like I said, the last third of the book gets intense and then it ends on a cliffhanger that makes you immediately want to pick up the next book.
I'd give it 4/5 stars. Definitely pick up this series if you're at all interested in the fantasy genre.