Published: 2010
Pages: 272 (13,881 total pages so far)
Genre: Young Adult
Eli's dad is a billionaire who spent millions of dollars building an underground bunker for their family to survive in case of a nuclear war. One Eli's 9th birthday, the family is rushed underground after some explosions. Unfortunately, Eli's twin brother and their grandmother get left behind while the rest of the family is locked underground. The plan is to stay 15 years to be sure radiation is gone, but things start to unravel when Eli is 15. His father is seemingly going crazy and the food supply is rapidly dwindling.
I loved, loved this book. It was absolutely everything I want in a YA novel. I'd almost given up on them lately since they all seem to involve supernatural beings and love triangles, but this book didn't even have a love interest (which is good, I guess, considering all the characters are immediate family members). The story completely relies on suspense and it definitely delivers.
There are so many twists and turns in this book, that I can't say much without spoiling anything. I'd definitely recommend this book to anyone looking for a good YA book that will still interest an adult.